General Mulch

Mulch Mulch General Mulch
He stormed the ramparts - Now he is Squlch
So Follow me Follow
We show no sorry
For Khorne dines tomorrow
with Mulch General Mulch
Sunz Sunz - We are the Sunz
We got the blood and gore - we have the Funz
We're ugly and tall, and
We got a shield wall, and
We'll kill you all -
cos we're Sunz - Evil Sunz
Mulch Mulch General Mulch
He stormed the ramparts - Now he is Squlch
SO Follow me Follow
We show no sorry
For Khorne dines tomorrow
with Mulch General Mulch
Vollsanger was commissioned to write a commemorative song for Cardinal
Klott'd du Creme in the event that he died on the field of battle. This was
done [see here] on the assurance that Mulch of the
Evil Sunz would pay 2 gold. Sadly Mulch died a glorious death - having
almost single handedly breached the Fort at Thors Temple. Being out of
pocket anyway - Vollsanger decide to pen an ode to Mulch - with rhythm and
rhyme suitable for the Orcish mind to sing along.
If you enjoyed this - remember Vollsanger is here all week and available for
commissions] tune: Mud Glorious Mud - // words and arr vollsanger
(c) iws 2006
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