Laars Trekking

Laars Trekking, across the Norscan Sea
In the longship Bothvar's Pride
Drinking lot's of Mead
Laars Trekking, across the Norscan Sea
We Can't stop - we've just got ramming speed!
There's Goblins on the starboard prow
Straboard prow Laars!
(Sweep them off Laars!)
Its Hel Laars but not as we know it, Laars
The Crew can't take much more! Laars
We come in Peace - Axe to face, laars
Loki made me sing this song,
So don't kill me Laars !
(Original tune written by John O'Connor, Grahame Lister
and Rory Kehoe)
Version written arranged and played by Vollsanger
(c) vollsanger 2015 |