Let's all be
Let us be Hobbits we'll travel the whole shire together
I've got a magic ring here in my bag ...
So we brought a pack of Dwarves - under Gandalf's watchful eyes
and we walked off to look for the Dragon Gold...
Gandalf I said as we entered Misty Mountains together
The Shire seems just like a dream to me now
Its taken 5 months to drag our sad carcasses
All just to seek for this Dragon's Gold
Laughing at the Trolls - making fun of their faces,
Riddling with Gollum, I thought that I'd really die...
I said be careful of Thorin he's really a Hammerer....
Toss me an elven sword I think there's one in my napsack..
They made it in Gondolin an Era ago....
I don'tm,mmmm care for this scenery... biggest spiders I've
ever seen...
but the light shines out of the Arkenstone..
Gandalf I'm lost - I said while the wood elves were sleeping
I'm empty and aching and I well know why ...
Counting the Wargs and the goblins on Beorns pike
We've all come to look for the Dragon's hoard.
all come to look for the Dragon's hoard..
(Original Words and arrangement Vollsanger
Based upon "America" by Paul Simon
(c) iws 2011 |