A Boy called Gunn -

Now there’s many tale of the Isle of Myst
Of Gods who were wise and Gods who were pissed
And Evil tricks that various Gods have done
But the greatest artifice I am sure
Was the day an evil nomenclature
Saw that babe and called that bad man GUNN
Well as a babe he was rather sweet
Had the right number of hands and feet
(though rest of favours were rather underdone..)
He often could not understand
Why jokes were muttered underhand
Behind the back of that one called Gunn
Now Gunn was really a name of Pride
Heroic Valour and strength implied
Many would strive to grasp that name as one
But Valkyrie armies are well enough
with skirts and bras and horns and stuff
But what about a Storm Wolf Boy called GUNN??
Well, he grew up quick and he grew up mean,
His fist got hard and his wits got keen,
He'd roam from town to town to hide his shame.
But he made a vow to Odin and Tyr
To comb the lands and visit seers
And kill that one who gave him that awful name.
Gunn was strong and Gunn was Mean
Was arm of Stormwolves - true and keen
Would cut your face off - for misdemeanours done
But when the Mage's gathered round
Then silence was the loudest sound
From that Cross dresser Stormwolf Name of Gunn
For Gunn’s the strongest of that female line
Loved by Odin - to the end of time
A favourite Valkyrie, who'd never be overcome...
But when you see him don't you stare
Just cos he wears silk underwear
He's still that Brave old Stormwolf name of Gunn
And finally - he tracked the same
The one who once gave him that awful name
The one who named him - evily for fun!!
But then it really made him pissed
to find namer was none but Myst
gone from this plane he'd named that young boy GUNN!!!
In a dream Myst said "this world is rough
And if a man's gonna make it, he's gotta be tough
And I knew I wouldn't be there to help ya along.
So I give ya that name and I said goodbye
I knew you'd have to get tough or die
But frankly, son - the underwear is wrong!!"
So Myst has gone from out the Land
And Stormwolves Future is in your hand
and leadership needs to show what will be done..
So rally round and down your mead
and look to strength to follow your lead
Stormwolves follow that Man called GUNN
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orig tune: A Boy called Sue - Johnny Cash
Words and arrangement Vollsanger
(c) iws 2005